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, db .g8''bgd db `7MM''YMM `7MN. `7MF'MMP'MM'YMM ;MM: .dP' `M MM `7 MMN. M P' MM `7 ,V^MM. `7MMpMMMb. dM' ``7MM MM d M YMb M MM ,M `MM MM MM MM MM MMmmMM M `MN. M MM AbmmmqMA MM MM MM. MM MM Y , M `MM.M MM A' VML MM MM `Mb. ,' MM MM ,M M YMM MM .AMA. .AMMA..JMML JMML. `'bmmmd' .JMML..JMMmmmmMMM .JML. YM .JMML. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[INSTALL]----------------1. Extract RAR2. DISCONNECT INTERNET ***IMPORTANT***3. Click Set-up.exe4. Click Install (I have a Serial)5. Input Serial: 1325-0160-5283-9851-2671-89516. Select Language you want and what programs you want to install.7. Copy appropriate Cracked files into appropriate folders. [LISTED BELOW]8. Reconnect to Internet9. Enjoy!--------------------------------------------------------------------------64 Bit Appications: (Use 64bit amtlib.dll)Adobe Premiere Pro CS6Adobe After Effects CS6Adobe SpeedGrade CS6Adobe Encore CS6Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64bit)Adobe Bridge CS6 (64bit)Adobe Illustrator CS6 (64bit)-------------------------------------32 Bit Applications: (Use 32bit amtlib.dll)Adobe Photoshop CS6Adobe Bridge CS6Adobe Illustrator CS6Adobe Audition CS6Adobe Dreamweaver CS6Adobe Extension Manager CS6Adobe Fireworks CS6Adobe Flash Professional CS6Adobe InDesign CS6Adobe Media Encoder CS6Adobe Prelude CS6-------------------------------------(Note: All amtlib.dll files are located in main directory EXCEPT Illustrator, After Effects, and Speedgrade)Adobe After Effects CS6Support FilesAdobe Illustrator CS6Support FilesContentsWindowsAdobe Illustrator CS6 (64 Bit)Support FilesContentsWindowsAdobe SpeedGrade CS6bin